With telework, your company’s business activities no longer need to be tied to specific times or locations. Your employees can work remotely and collaboratively – whenever they want – to access company data and expertise from their homes, across town, or around the world. The result is happier staff, lower overhead and improved efficiency for your business.
For many years these benefits were delivered through add-on telework packages that were tied to specific premises voice platforms. The cloud has changed all that…
Today when you adopt Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), you get a cloud-based enterprise-grade communication infrastructure with built-in telework capabilities to support your high-performance employees.
Successful decision making requires immediate access to the right information and the right people at the right time. With the consistent and responsive user experience offered by UCaaS your teleworkers can seamlessly communicate and collaborate as needed using their smartphones, iPads, laptops – whatever mobile device they prefer.
Your teleworkers will have instant access to the same productivity tools as their office colleagues. Automatic updates are performed in the cloud to ensure the latest features are always enabled for your users.
In fact, UCaaS simplifies everything for your IT staff too. They’ll be relieved of the daily hassle of system upgrades, maintenance and feature updates, or worrying about disaster recovery.
Let’s talk more about how telework can boost the performance of your business… Contact us today at (703) 321-3030 or info@tcicomm.com.