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Increase the capabilities of your business phone system while reducing costs with TCI Host, a cloud communication solution that delivers the flexibility business owners and IT directors need to migrate to the cloud at a pace that is right for their organizations.
Cloud Communications -The cloud has changed the way the world connects and communicates. Companies are replacing the complex communications systems of the past with simple, seamless, cloud-based communications that increase productivity, reduce costs and enhance customer service. And they’re doing it with our cloud solution, TCI Host—a powerful, scalable cloud family of platforms that delivers hosted voice, unified communications and collaboration to SMBs, enterprises and Fortune 500 companies around the world.
Migrate to Cloud Communications
When you combine business communications, mobility and the cloud, something wonderful happens: borders disappear, barriers collapse, costs drop and productivity rises. It’s happening today at businesses around the globe through the power of cloud communications. If this sounds like the kind of business you want, it’s time to move your voice, collaboration and customer service to the cloud.
Public, private and hybrid cloud communications – Cloud communications isn’t an all-or-nothing endeavor. There are several deployment models you can choose from depending on your business’s unique situation, and you can shift from one approach to another over time.
When you’re looking for that little extra to make everything come together, you’re looking for TCI Host. By bringing offices closer together, providing award-winning customer experiences, and closing the gap on activity with a robust feature set, your communications will never be the same.
Now TCI Host power users can upgrade their user experience to include the optional Mitel MiCollab Client collaboration features for their wireless device or desktop.
Mitel MiCollab allows users to add optional additional integration with their Android or iOS device.
This upgrade includes approximately twenty additional features detailed in the separate MiCollab feature table included herein. Key features include presence, instant messaging and mobile softphone amongst others.
Our newest business solution designed for today’s workforce delivers business impact by starting where you do—mobile first. Coupled with unparalleled collaboration tools, your work will no longer be a location but an activity that can be tackled anywhere.
TCI Host eliminates the expensive upfront costs of buying phones and investing in an expensive on-premises PBX system. For a single, all-inclusive, low monthly price, enjoy state-of-the-art MiVoice IP telephones, Mitel’s award-winning call control features and 100% lifetime support.
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