Download eBook Digital Transformation for Dummies

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Digital transformation has become a top initiative for business and IT leaders. In a today’s business world, sustainable market leadership is no longer based solely on which company has the best products or even the best people. Instead, organizations that are agile and can quickly adapt to rapidly evolving market trends will become market leaders. And, companies that can’t meet the demands of a dynamic business climate that’s changing faster than ever before will struggle to survive.

This Mitel special edition, Digital Transformation For Dummies, explores how the world is changing, and how both consumers and workers are using new technologies to improve the way they communicate and collaborate.

Download your free copy today, featuring insights from industry experts Zeus Kerravala and Lawrence C. Miller on…

  • Building a digital strategy
  • Using UC and collaboration in the digital enterprise
  • Addressing key capabilities for digital businesses
  • Defining a digital strategy for your organization
  • Ten capabilities for a digital transformation partner

Learn to…

  • Understand the digital imperative
  • Design a digital workplace
  • Deliver a superior digital customer experience

