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Is your Network Infrastructure ready for that next generation Unified Communications Solution?
Even the BEST Unified Communications (UC) systems are only as good as the network they are running on.
To ensure that your UC Solutions will work well on your network, you need to take several things into account before beginning any implementation.
First, UC is a mission-critical network application. Historically, Email may have been the most critical application on your IP network. And although email is very critical, it typically demands little of a network because it is forgiving of network delays.
Second, UC traffic needs a solid infrastructure. Those old hubs in the wiring closet just aren’t going to cut it if your new UC Platform is to provide high-quality audio and video. You will need a network infrastructure that is fast and reliable to speed along that VoIP traffic with minimal delays. Also, your network MUST be secure — free of viruses, malware and intrusions. You don’t want this mission-critical application brought down by a security hole.
Third, Quality of Service (QoS) on your network is absolutely critical. Voice traffic cannot be competing with someone downloading a 100 MB PowerPoint or streaming Pandora. The network must be designed so that voice has higher priority than just about every other application currently on the network. That is because Voice is more delay-sensitive than 99% of other applications that run on your network. In fact, audio is even more sensitive to delay than video.
MiCollab Audio, Web and Video Conferencing “Collaborate wherever you are” let your employees be more productive with the rich collaboration capabilities available through MiCollab audio, web and video conferencing, including scheduled and ad-hoc conferences, desktop and application sharing, multi-point video conferencing, Private and public chat, Remote control, File transfer, Document management, Polling, Conference recording, Custom access codes and a WebRTC Web client.
Unless you’re building out a brand-new business from scratch, you have some kind of network in place and running. Design planning and onboarding MUST involve a health assessment including a review of the current network and access to any existing documentation.
Review of current network infrastructure – The reliability and suitability of the current network infrastructure is THE SINGLE BIGGEST FACTOR in determining a successful UC deployment.
This is where TCI Connect comes in. Wrapped around our next generation UC Solutions, TCI Connect provides a comprehensive three pronged approach to ensuring your Network Infrastructure is not only ready for your deployment but will operate as expected for years to come.
Before Implementation – Our comprehensive Net360 Network Assessment
During Implementation – Remediation & Onboarding Process
After Implementation – SLA Based Maintenance and Network Monitoring
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