eBook: How Technology & Improving Employee Experience Unlock Customer Satisfaction

Customer Experience (CX) has always been critical for companies, but now the value of Employee Experience (EX) is gaining recognition.

A robust job market offers workers a lot of options, so companies have to compete to attract and retain good people. This was especially true during 2021’s Great Resignation, when a record number of workers resigned each month due to low pay, lack of opportunities, and feeling disrespected – among other reasons.

Data also shows that your Customer Experience efforts will benefit from greater investment in EX, especially when customer interactions require direct employee involvement, and over 75% of customers expect consistency when they interact with their favorite businesses.

The modern job market values EX, and it’s not just about money.

Workers overwhelmingly prefer a hybrid work model, but this presents challenges for employers. You’ll need the right technology to support remote work, and employees expect a smooth and convenient interface.

A frustrating experience with work processes has consequences. It can impact employee loyalty and the quality of customer interactions, leading to a loss of top talent and customer engagement.

Gain more insights on EX and CX challenges and how to address them by reading…

eBook “Great Expectations: Delivering Extraordinary Experiences for Employees and Customers”

TCI deploys and supports communications solutions that can deliver the experiences your employees and customers deserve. Contact us today: (703) 321-3030 or GetHelp@tcicomm.com.


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