Real-time, Anytime… How MiTeam for MiCollab Offers Your Teams an Easier, Better Way to Collaborate

Mitel’s innovative MiTeam app integrates with your MiCollab online collaboration tools to provide a dedicated workspace for team-based meetings, conversations, and content sharing.

Designed for a workforce on the go, the embedded app seamlessly extends your company’s mobile reach to remote team members, and it connects teams of any size, even with real-time voice and video.

Everything relevant to your team is seamlessly synchronized into “Streams.” Each team’s workspace is archived continuously so everyone can access the history of messages, content, annotations, and tasks for future reference.

One of our favorite MiTeam advantages is that you can enable new team members to come up to speed quickly. They can see interactions with full context, gain access to shared documents, view recordings of meetings and track project tasks.

Check out this MiTeam video…

Let TCI help empower your teams with greater efficiency and productivity. With MiTeam for MiCollab, you can expect to increase business productivity by as much as 40%.

Contact us today at (703) 321-3030 or